What does the garden centre have to offer?
Macclesfield Community Garden Centre is a Social Enterprise in the heart of Macclesfield, set within the beautiful grounds of West Park. It has been specifically designed to give disabled adults the opportunity to gain valuable employment experience and a variety of skills in a supported environment. The centre has an impressive retail operation on site where members of the public can purchase plants and crafts that are produced by trainees.
The training and work based activities are planned for each individual allowing them to develop their maximum potential over a period of time that suits their needs.
Trainees have the opportunity to learn horticulture, woodwork, arts and crafts. In addition they also take on other responsibilities within the garden centre. We also focus on soft skills such as teamwork, timekeeping and social skills.

Attendance patterns can be tailored around other commitments e.g. college or social activities. Individuals may choose from one to five days per week to suit their own particular requirements.

Referrals from individuals, carers, social workers and other professionals are welcomed
Direct payments are accepted.
We will simply send you an invoice every month for the days that you have agreed to attend.

What next?
To arrange an appointment to discuss your needs or to have a look around the Centre or to arrange a free taster session:
Simply call 01625 612925 or alternatively, email